Gay baby daddy gay videos

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I’m really hard working person with many goals and passions in life and just thinking about the future with her for some reason I feel like it will hold me back if I become serious with her obviously I would have sacrifice lots of things. I really do like this girl, she has quite a lot of the things that I like, only thing is she has a child at such a young age. I guess he did it to prove his family he was not gay ( stupidest thing ever honestly) She then proceeded and told me that later in the marriage ( three months) the dude came out as gay and that destroyed her in every aspect. I thought in my mind “ perhaps it a mistake?” But actually not at all, it was all planned, not only that, but she was married as well.

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I was really curious about why she had a baby at such a young age. I’m really statically and academically inclined, and I know that having a kid at such a you age the odds of having a rough life are pretty damn high. So Im 22 and have met a chick ( 23) who has a baby. So I am currently in a really weird situation and honestly don’t know if it would be best to just call it ends or keep talking to this chick.

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